A lot like Christmas

Snowshoeing at SilverWinter in northern Idaho is a really sacred time for some people. Some use this time to hunker down and spend time inside, playing games and watching movies, or maybe catching up on some reading. Others live for the outdoors during this time. Snowshoeing, skiing, snowboarding, ice fishing, the list never ends. Up until about a year ago I was a member of the former group. While I thought the snow was beautiful and I love having a white Christmas, I only left the house if I absolutely had to. Now, my husband has successfully turned me into a winter junkie. I can't get enough of being outside in the white stuff.Last winter we were fortunate enough to be able to volunteer with our local Special Olympics. So awesome! Every Sunday we'd go up to Silver Mountain with the group and help them work on their ski and snowboard skills. Little did they know, they were actually helping me with mine! I struggled to keep up with most of them, luckily they were all pretty patient with me :)This year we decided to forgo volunteering and get our own season passes. I never realized how fortunate we are to have so many ski hills close by. Silver, Schweitzer and Lookout are just the ones in northern Idaho, there's probably three more over in the Spokane area as well as further south and over in western Washington. Silver will always hold a special place in my heart though; that's where my husband proposed to me. I know, I know... a little sappy. But it's our mountain and we love it.Lookout is great because it's more affordable, and I'm told the snow is usually the best. The guys that run the terrain park are awesome! They post videos on Vimeo almost weekly and they're great.We'll be heading up to the mountain this week for sure! Hope to see you up there.Happy Holidays!Andy and family