What are you doing this weekend?

Sorry for the time lapse between posts, we were out of town, exploring the wilderness of Glacier National Park. I will have a great post for you this weekend about our trip.

In the meantime, I need to fill you in about what's happening this weekend since the weekend begins in T-4 hours. 

Rock the Dock and Uncorked at the Boardwalk are this weekend, like every weekend. It all goes down from 4-7 at the boardwalk. DJ T-Parks (Tony Parks the Marina Dockmaster) will be crankin' the tunes tonight. But the real treat is tomorrow for Uncorked. This week Clearwater Canyon Cellars will be featured and entertainment will be provided by the Les Moore duo. 

While you're down there (because I know you want to go) meet and greet with marina tenants, staff and the new wakeboard instructor.

The Boardwalk Wake School is kicking off this week. On Monday they'll be shooting a great promo video that will play inside the Resort and will be on their Facebook page within the next couple weeks. I heard they're having a contest through July where you can win some great wake school swag OR two free hours on the boat (with or without lessons). Check it out! 

Spokane is hosting Hoopfest this weekend, the world's largest 3-on-3 basketball tourney. It's too late to register now, but it's fun just to go walk around and watch. There are food vendors galore and a TON of people. The Hoopfest site describes the event as, "over 7,000 teams, 3,000 volunteers, 250,000 players and fans, 458 courts spanning 42 downtown city blocks, and that's just on day one! Beyond basketball, though, Hoopfest is an outdoor festival chock full of shopping, food, interactive entertainment, and every year brings some thing new."