Take a Hike | Marie Creek

It's been too long! So sorry. We've had a lot of family stuff going on, a new baby niece, grandmas visiting, birthdays galore. I'm sure you know the drill.But the good news is I have lots to talk about, including some really awesome hikes. I'm going out of order here but that's alright.On Easter we decided to head up to Marie Creek with our friends Kristin and Blake for a pre-feast hike. The trail is about 1 miles out, I think we only went a third of the way before we had to turn back. I think this is the warmest Easter I've experienced to-date because we were all hot and shedding layers along the way.Marie_CreekIt was a great, not too steep and the dogs loved it. Along the way we saw moose droppings, lots of birds, butterflies, and what seemed like a million ladybugs. The creek was pretty large, and very clean. The dogs jumped in to cool off and grab a drink. The only bad part was the trail was really muddy at first. I'm thinking it will dry out as we move into summer but at the time it was pretty mushy and slick.