The happiest of hours

Seasons Happy HourDo you guys know that Seasons has an amazing happy hour menu? It's true.We don't really do happy hours much. In fact we're usually lucky if we eat before eight. But a couple weeks ago we decided to grab a late lunch and just happened-upon Seasons' daily 3-6 happy hour. We split Kobe sliders, sweet potato fries and we each got a beer (only $2 each!) and it only cost $14. No joke. Cheapest date ever.Last Saturday I grabbed my girls and we caught the tail-end (made it by 2 minutes). Martinis are always a fun treat, but their more fun when they're only $5.My drink of choice was a Manhattan. Amazing! Amongst our chatter and catch-up we decided that I drink like a guy in that I like beer and dislike sweet drinks like Cosmos and such (I prefer to think that I drink like Robin Sherbatsky on How I Met Your Mother but whatever). Whiskey and sweet Vermouth. Yum.Clarissa enjoyed a lemon-basil drink while Whitney and Annie each had Seasons' version of a Cosmo. All were delightful and the company was more so. Love my friends!So now I'm thinking... who else around town has great happy hour deals? I feel like there is a whole other world of early eating and enjoyment I've been missing. Let me know your recommendations!Cheers!