
Goals. Resolutions. We all make them; some we meet, some we don't. Every year there's so much pressure to set resolutions and so many of us give up in the first month or two. So why set them to begin with if we might fail?Don't think like that! Resolutions are great. It's the perfect time for a fresh start and new perspective. I think the best way to go about it though is to make realistic goals. Instead of saying, "I'm going to lose 50 pounds this year," set a goal like, "I'm going to exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 times a week." Totally doable.This year my New Year's resolution is to work on my photography skills. My dad and I made a pact that we'd each take at least one photo every day - a 365 Photo Challenge. I got the idea from A Beautiful Mess. So far so good! It's a little challenging with work and all, but if I miss any days I vowed to make it up on the weekend. Take a look at the photos from my first week below.365 Photo Challenge Week 1What's your New Year's resolution? Do you want to run your first 5K? Work on your cooking skills? Start a family? There is so much we can accomplish in a year. Small, reachable steps are definitely the key to success. I can't become a professional photographer in a year, but I can take one photo every day to practice new skills.You may not be able to go out and run a 5K tomorrow, but you could join a running group at Fleet Feet to work on it, or take a cooking class at Gourmet Way to learn how to make a new meal or dessert.So what's your New Year's resolution? Please share and keep reading to see how I do with my 365 Challenge.Happy New Year!