Reader Survey Results

Survey Says… You guys rockThank you to everyone who participated in our very first reader survey. It was fun to see the responses and get to know you guys a little better. Because you took the time to share your feedback, I want to take some time to share some of the results. So, let’s get right to it.The first thing that surprised me was actually the first question. I fully expected readers to be a direct reflection of myself. I guess I figured that since I created the blog, people just like me would be the ones to find it. And apparently, that’s pretty far from the case since the largest percent of my readers are men over the age of 40. Cheers, bros! As far as content interests go, I was pleasantly surprised to see that we’re doing pretty good. Back when I started Stuck in North Idaho, I used to include more time-sensitive posts about local events, issues and things to do. Apparently I need to start working more of that kind of stuff back into the fold because information about local happenings tied for first in what you guys want to hear about. Right up with it was hiking, camping and traveling with pets. All my favorite things :) There’s only one thing that I’d like to point out when it came to what locations you’d like us to cover, southern Idaho came in last. Scoring update, one point North Idaho, zero points southern Idaho. I was excited to see your thoughts on the types of posts we produce. I’ve been wanting to explore some new content ideas and you guys verified that it would be a good idea. More people than I thought wanted updates on local public lands issues (think Scotchman’s Peak, Tubbs Hill, etc.) and I was SO happy to see you’re not super interested in gear reviews. Although I’m happy to share gear suggestions and my personal preferences, There are plenty of other places to find solid gear reviews online. In addition to our typical trip recaps, I was touched that second to that, you guys want more personal, lifestyle posts to get to know us better. Thanks guys! To help kick this off, we updated our About page with more detailed information about each of us, and we’re going to try to include more posts about our daily lives. Warning: Contents may feature mundane activities such as home renovation, walking the dog and watching too much Netflix. I was so pumped to see how many people would subscribe to a Stuck in North Idaho newsletter. Although most said they’d like to receive a monthly newsletter, I don’t know that I have the time to put one out every month. Quarterly is 100 percent doable and depending on what’s going on, maybe I’ll send out a bonus newsletter here and there. If you replied “yes” to wanting a newsletter, you were automatically added to the mailing list. As for the rest of you, stay tuned for an opt-in option on the sidebar. We’ll have one up soon! Finally, thank you to everyone who took the time to leave us a comment at the end of the survey. It was so touching to read your compliments and thoughts about what you enjoy most. To everyone who filled out our survey, thank you so much for your input, we are so grateful to have such wonderful readers and friends. Please know we took all of your comments and suggestions to heart and we’re excited to make a few alterations to better fit what interests you. Cheers to building a wonderful online community for northern Idaho, Andrea