Reader Survey | Let's Hear It!

Hey all, it's been a while since I checked in. I've been doing a lot of thinking about this good 'ol bloggity blog and decided I want to know where we're at. I continue to share my thoughts and experiences over here, and I'm good with that, but I want it to be a good experience for you as well. So... I decided to put together a short survey.Here's how it works. You click the link below and answer a few questions about yourself, the content you enjoy seeing/reading, and any thoughts you have for improving the site. Then, I compile all that information and come to some conclusions about what needs to change or stay the same. I will also share those results here on the blog so you can see for yourself. I posted the survey on Facebook last week, and so far eight generous souls have humored me.In order for this to be a legit survey, I need a good sample size. So please (she says begging on her knees) do me a solid and share your thoughts. Think of it this way, I'll owe ya one.