Monday already?
I think it's more than appropriate that this particular Monday - you know, the one following Oktoberfest - is National Coffee Day. It was much needed after the exhausting-ness that was my weekend. Shall we take a walk down Memory Lane? Actually, let's not. My feet still hurt.Crit Fest was amazing! It was high-intensity, the weather was great and it opened our eyes to something completely different. I tried to get some good pics for you, but it was SO dark! So thanks to my good pal Jimmy (you may or may not remember him from softball) reminded me that I could get some trippy photos by opening up my shutter. Kyle thought this was pretty cool, and he literally took my camera and ran with it for the rest of the night. He got some fun stuff though.Following the races, we went over to Megan and Dylan's for a lovely fire and some s'mores. Fall fires are the best because it's actually chilly outside. A late night, but totally worth it.On Saturday, I started yet another house project. I haven't given you guys an update on the house in a while so I should probably get on that. Teaser/spoiler: We stained the front door. Hooray!Sunday was the killer though. I believe I've mentioned that Megan and I are training for the Hayden Lake half marathon, and we're reaching our longest runs of our training program with next week being the longest (11-12 miles). This week we decided to go run part of the course, and oh man did I grossly underestimate the amount of hills we're facing. I'm 99 percent sure that 9 of the 10 miles we ran were uphill.
I have never been so close to thinking I could die. SO. MANY. HILLS. English Point Rd. is officially my nemesis.After
escaping a long and agonizing death going on a joyful run, I continued work on the front door. I'm pretty sure we put about seven hours of sanding into that thing. I am always pleasantly amazed with my dad's kindness and patience. Love you, Dad!So here's a caffeinated cheers to National Coffee Day! Without you, I probably would have fallen asleep while eating this morning's oatmeal.xoxoAndy