Is North Idaho romantic?

It's that time again. When everyone gets all twitterpated and I gorge myself with chocolate and sour gummy hearts (Speaking of which, the Chocolate Affair is this Friday!).20140205-152302.jpgI've always thought of North Idaho as a romantic place because of its pretty lake beaches, starry nights and great food (is it a surprise that I equate love and food? It shouldn't be). But I recently read on Time Magazine's website that Amazon release a list of the "Top 20 Most Romantic Cities" and good 'ol Cd'A wasn't mentioned.Normally I don't mind when we're left off a national list like this, for two reasons:

  1. We're very small and not many large-scale publications and businesses know we exist.
  2. The more people that know about Cd'A, the more people will want to move here rather than just visit. And we don't need that.

However, when you look at the list, number 9 (go ahead, I'll wait) you'll notice that our neighbor to the west is listed. Spokane doesn't strike me as a romantic city at first thought. Especially in comparison to one of the many quaint North Idaho towns. When I think of Spokane (or Spokompton as I lovingly refer to it as) I think of the homeless problem, the many robberies and crimes I see on the news each night, bikini barista controversies, getting high, and extremely awesome minimum wages.  But then I stopped to think about some of the more unique spots in Spokane - I don't really know of many actually. Come to think of it, the most romance I've seen come from Spokane are the sad souls looking for love in the "I saw you" section of the Inlander.20140206-172341.jpgHere are some spots (the few I'm aware of) that offer a bit of romance:

  1. Manito Park (and the Tap House!)
  2. Riverfront Park - the gondolas over the falls are beautiful!
  3. Davenport Hotel
  4. Italian Kitchen
  5. Fox Theater

So I thought of five. Please keep in mind that I know very little about Spokane other than how to get to the parks, malls and Trader Joe's. And actually, I would add Trader Joe's to the list. I do love that place.I attempted to look up a few places to add to my list via KXLY's Facebook post. What I ended up getting was a great laugh - apparently the majority Spokanites aren't very passionate about their city. Read their hilarious comments. My favorite is, "Smoking meth in Riverfront Park," or, "Nothing brings a couple together like being mugged downtown, such a bonding moment."I have to add that Amazon's list has more to do with who's buying what off of Amazon than the actual romantic-ness a city has to offer. Which makes me feel better. Maybe we're not on that list because we are romantic enough in real life and don't need to buy the entire box set of 50 Shades of Grey.I'm compiling my own list of favorite romantic spots in North Idaho and I'd love to include yours! Send them my way!xoxoAndy[contact-form subject='Favorite Romantic Spots'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Website' type='url'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]