A little redecorating goes a long way…
In my last post I hinted that some change was in my near future and that I've been looking to do a little redecorating. Well, one new sofa and a few hours in InDesign and Photoshop later… a new logo for Stuck in North Idaho was born! To be exact, three new logos were born and now I need your help deciding which one will represent SINI moving forward.You may be asking, "What about Mr. Moose?"I love Mr. Moose. He got me through my first two years as a community blogger and did a great job. However, looking ahead I need a logo that not only represents the subject I'm writing about, but that actually looks legit as a business. Which one can you see on a shirt, hat or sticker? If I came to you looking for a sponsorship, which one would say, "Yeah my blog is fun, but it also educates our readers about local establishments and activities." I've had a lot of fun creating these and have asked almost all my close friends and family which ones they're drawn to. After taking their suggestions into consideration, I give you my three final logo options (all three have horizontal and vertical options for various mediums).
So now I want to hear from all of you. Which is your favorite, and why? Have another idea? Tell me about it! This is going to represent our little Stuck in North Idaho community and I really, truly want your thoughts.[polldaddy poll=7757662]Can't wait to see what you all have to say!