Take a Hike | Gold Hill Trail 3

20130806-135124.jpgI've decided that this should be Kyle's new motto. Whenever we go camping or plan to be outside, he never checks the weather and opts not to go because of a little dampness (or a lot in some cases).Case in point: Last Friday we took the day off and went up to the Sagle/Sandpoint area for a little hiking. Much to my dismay it was pouring all day. Remember? I don't think I've had to water my plants since. Anyway... we decided to go ahead and hike anyway."A little rain won't hurt you." I swear some day our kids will rue this phrase. But I am so glad we went, despite the rain, because it was beautiful and we pretty much had the entire trail to ourselves.Thank goodness for rain jackets.hiking gold trail 3 in sandpoint ID - stuckinnorthidaho.com Gold Hill Trail 3, nestled back in Bottle Bay of Lake Pend d'Oreille, is a 3.7 mile climb with a 1,200 ft. elevation change. It was a good workout, that's for sure. Beautiful greenery and wildlife (unless you bring Juneau who manages to scare everything away) make it well worth the trek. Be sure to bring a camera for this one. Even the dreary, misty day made for great photos.20130806-124830.jpg20130806-124837.jpg20130806-124917.jpg20130806-124925.jpgThe view from the top was beautiful. I'd love to go back on a clear, sunny day. You could see the entire longbridge going over to Sandpoint, as well as the town itself. The Selkirk were kind of in view, and would definitely be on a sunny day.20130806-124932.jpg20130806-145314.jpg