SINI Softball Update

Last week was a milestone for team Stuck in North Idaho. We finally won our first game.

We don't always win. But when we do, we win with style.

I'm no softball star, but I have a strong sense of ownership and pride in our team this year, probably because my blog is the team sponsor. But I hope that everyone else has that same sense of pride and ownership because it's their team too. We are so lucky to have such a great group of friends and even more so because they're willing to give up their time to come play softball once a week and help support the blog and represent it in the community.

This particular game was the second of a doubleheader. We lost the first game but killed the second game. I'm thinking we may need a good hour or so to get warmed up. I don't know that the team would be willing to do that every week though. Like the board in the pic says, we won 26-10 and the best part was it read 10-26 which is my birthday and I'm number 26. That's where that "style" part comes in. I don't expect us to go out and be the best team in the league, but I do expect us to be the most fun. And I'm proud to say that so far we're living up to that standard. There is one thing we are really lacking though... a crowd. Every other team out there fills their bleachers and we have maybe two supporters come each game. I know it would give us a big boost in morale and I promise you'd be in for a fun game, win or lose.

Our next game is this Wednesday at 7:15 against Hippo Car Wash at Ramsey Field 5.

Hope to see you all there!