Our City

20130927-090156.jpgThere's a lot going on in Coeur d'Alene right now, to put it mildly. McEuen Park is slowly coming along, and still manages to be a hot topic around town. Coeur d'Alene is growing immensely. I've lived here since I was 5 years old and I bet our little city has probably doubled in size in that time - at least. We've progressed a lot since then too. We're investing in city art projects, expanding our community college and education opportunities, enhancing our parks and public transportation, and so much more.Sure, there are changes that may worry locals, I know there are aspects that have gone that I miss. But they are small sacrifices for what our town can be. I recently read an editorial in the Inlander by Mary Lou Reed. This is the first I've heard of her (which is embarrassing because I read the Inlander all the time), but I would love to chat with her over coffee someday. Her editorial, "Planned Prosperity," discussed progress in Coeur d'Alene, why it needs to happen and how we've been able to accomplish so much already. She gave an anecdote about some of her friends visiting from Montana. After showing them many of the changes around town, they wondered how, "in conservative, unbelievably red-state Idaho, can so many progressive projects be taking place?"She stated, "The city and its leaders are making it happen. While the very conservative legislature shortchanges public schools and state universities, Idaho cities march ahead to supply necessary services in as attractive a setting as they communities can afford."She then goes on to praise Mayor Bloem and her creative staff as well as the Lake City Development Corporation for fighting to push projects forward and find the funding to make them happen. We're losing Sandi Bloem in December after leading our city for 12 years. I don't know much about the mayoral candidates, but it's up to us to do our research and make an informed decision.I usually try to stay away from politics, especially on my blog, but I feel like this is too important to leave alone. I'm afraid of losing a city council that values art, culture and making our city a better place to live. Does it take money? Yes. But it's an investment in our future.Have you heard of CDA 2030? If not then you need to educate yourself right now. CDA 2030 is a project aimed at creating a plan for Coeur d'Alene'g growth over the next 20 years. From Monday, October 7 through Friday, October 11 we all have a chance to participate and let our voices be heard.There will be lectures, workshops and surveys open to the public. You can find all the info. on their website cda2030.org. The group is headed up by City Attorney Mike Gridley and Dr. Charles Buck, CEO of the UI campus in Cd'A. The group wants to know everything about what the people think of Coeur d'Alene. What we like, hate, our favorite spots, pastimes, what we want the city to be like for our children and grandchildren, etc.I'm hoping to contact a group member and get some more information soon. In the meantime I plan on attending a few of the meetings next week and I hope you do too. This is our city, let's make it exactly how we want it to be.IMG_1722