Cars, bowls and the countdown to summer.

Busy. That is the one word I would use to describe our lives lately. Not that busy is a bad thing – it’s just busy. In the last week I’ve:

  • Helped coordinate the Empty Bowls fundraiser for Distinguished Young Women (look for a future post on my involvement with the DYW program)
  • Searched for goats on Tubbs Hill (no luck)
  • Had our final softball practice before our first game (next Wednesday, woohoo!)
  • Signed up for another photography class (using an external flash)
  • Continued with a blog class
  • Finished and submitted the DYW program book and script and graded 13 essays for the scholarship contest
  • Worked my normal day job (where one of my co-workers is leaving so more work for me in the meantime)
  • Went to Lost in the 50s
  • Went to see Wicked
  • Celebrated Mother’s Day

Lost in the 50s 2014Crazy, right? I’m excited to replace a few of my obligations with fun summer activities, like gardening and hiking, and once Kyle and Kendrich’s race is done in June, he’ll have a lot more free time too. It will be so nice!I got a sweet taste of our upcoming summer of fun last weekend at Lost in the 50s. I think I've mentioned it before, but my dad and I go every year to check out all the classic cars while my mom shops around. There are two other very important things we do while there:

  1. Eat at MickDuff's
  2. Fill up our refillable wine bottles at the Pend d'Oreille Winery

This year, my favorite wasn't even a car – it was a BMW motorcycle. I forget the year, but while we were looking at it this French guy came up and started telling me all out it. Apparently it was a really popular police bike in Europe back in its day, one reason being they were one of the quietest bikes around. I have no idea if that’s true or if the guy was totally BS-ing me, but it’s interesting nonetheless.I missed Dog d’Alene for the second year in a row. I really wish the two events weren't on the same day. Judging from their pictures on Facebook the event looked like a big success which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I hope it continues to grow and more vendors come to support it.So all that is why I haven’t been around much the past week. I promise, after this Saturday I’ll have a lot more free time to hit the town, go for new hikes and share it all with you.Happy Wednesday!Andy