Finish summer strong
Can you guess the theme of today’s post? I’ll give you a minute… No? Well then I hope you legs run faster than your brain because there are a lot of local races to cram in before fall hits.It’s time to swim, bike and run your way across North Idaho. Guess I need to hit the pavement some more…
Kyle and his brother, Kendrich recently competed in the Coeur d'Alene Triathlon. I am happy to report that they both did very well, Kyle improved his bike time by about 5 minutes and this was Kendrich's first tri ever, so the fact that he didn't die is pretty sweet. In my opinion anyway.
I love this race because it goes right through downtown Cd'A. Beautiful! Kyle and I were talking after the race and we agreed that we're too spoiled living here. A lot of other locations for races seem only so-so. We tried to imagine what it would be like to be out-of-towners and seeing all this for the first time. It would be sweet. You're welcome for having such a beautiful city.
It seemed like a pretty good event, but a lot of the racers said there needed to be more volunteers. And on top of that, the people who volunteered said they needed more info. about what their role was and how to run their stations. Other than that it seemed to go pretty good.Congrats racers!
And with that, here's a list of some other upcoming races: The Coeur d’Alene Crossing is this weekend! It’s a 2.4 mile swim, starting at Arrow Point and ending at the Resort golf course. This race benefits North Idaho College Booster Club, the Union Gospel Mission, and the Coeur d'Alene Area Swim Team (CAST). Those who want to watch are able to purchase a pass to ride on one of the resort cruise boats and cheer on the swimmers.The Priest Lake Triathlon is Saturday, August 24 and starts in front of Hills Resort. There's an Olympic Triathlon as well as a Sprint Mountain Bike Triathlon. If you're into mountain biking, that could be a really fun and challenging option.The Canfield Mountain Run Series begins August 24. There are other events on October 12 and November 9.The Scenic Half Marathon in Sandpoint is Sunday, September 15. This race starts and ends at the city beach. Register soon, prices go up on Aug. 22. There is also a 10K and 5K option for those wanting to see the beautiful town of Sandpoint but do a shorter distance.The Coeur d’Alene Race for the Cure is Sunday, September 22 at the NIC campus. Funds raised from this event go to local entities to help fund mammograms for women in need and also go to the Komen Foundation for breast cancer research. Come support local women and health care organizations and wear your favorite pink gear!Finally, the Coeur d'Fondo is the sweetest biking event in North Idaho. With four distances to choose from, the whole family can participate, see the lake in all of it's fall glory and then head downtown to celebrate with Oktoberfest. Talk about a fun-filled day.