Fall Favorites
I know it's still 90 degrees outside (for now) but fall is definitely on its way. Last night it was dark by 7:30, the mornings are cool and crisp and on my way to running group I saw a tree starting to turn gold. So call me crazy... but I sense fall is near.I love the fall in North Idaho. I know I say this every year, but it is definitely my favorite season. I think because of its energy. Probably the reason so many people like the spring too. I feel like whenever nature changes hats we feel the energy it creates. There's something about the vivid colors and the little bite in the wind that just sparks creativity and brings our area to life.Don't get me wrong, there's nothing better than a summer spent downtown Cd'A, but the fall is just different. Kyle says it's my favorite because my birthday is at the end of October - and that very well could be the case - But I choose to believe that autumn is my favorite season because of the festivities, cozy clothing and the creative bursts it gives me.Here's a little preview of my favorite fall activities:Coeur d'Fondo - I have never actually participated in this ginormous biking event. Admitted. But it sounds amazing and beautiful AND I swear if I had a bike with gears I would totally participate. A beach cruiser doesn't really bode well for long distances and hills. But I do love this event because it includes family riders and distance riders.Downtown Oktoberfest - So. Much. Fun. This is the one time of year that drinking outside in public is totally doable. Just don't get out of control and ruin it for everyone, OK?It seems like every year this event gets larger. Participants get to bounce around from shop to shop testing different beers. There's live music, German food and a lot of lederhosen. There's a lot of family activities too. So don't bail because you're afraid Jr. isn't welcome. This year the downtown Oktoberfest is two days, Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28.Daanen's Deli Oktoberfest - Also a fun event for the whole family, Daanen's Deli puts together an awesome event in their parking lot. Games, music, food, and great beer. I actually tend to like the beer at Daanen's over the selection downtown. This year's event is Saturday, September 28. Check out their Facebook page for more info. (linked above).Apple Festival at Green Bluff - This is beyond my favorite thing to do in the fall - and it's the most family-friendly. Pick a day in October to drive out to Green Bluff north of Spokane to pick apples, pumpkins, taste wine, listen to music, and participate in all of the merriment that is fall on the farm.Two things to HAVE to do:1. Go to Knapp's and watch Punkin' Chunkin'. It's purely amazing.2. Buy at least a dozen pumpkin doughnuts. When they get stale, microwave them for 5-8 seconds and they're almost like new again. Yum! Chances are they won't make it to the stale point - you'll be lucky if they make it home.
Here's a map to each of the growers.Scarywood - Just when you think you can't handle Silverwood's awesomeness, they turn scary. Every year it gets better, with new attractions and characters. This may not be the best option for little kids. Only open at night, the entire park fills with smog and creatures roam around looking for the right person to scare. Several of the rides are turned into a haunted attraction and you can even ride the Timber Terror backwards. I didn't like it that much - too jerky and it made me want to barf a little. Normally I'm good with coasters, but apparently not backwards. Overall, I don't think this is the scariest option there is, but it definitely has its moments.
Post Falls Lon's Club Haunted House - This is the scariest haunted house in the area. For the longest time it was a tradition to go for my birthday, but the past two years we opted for Scarywood instead. This is a more traditional haunted house, where you wait in a 2-hour line (no kidding, please dress warm!) and spend about 5-10 minutes inside. The scenes are terrifying and the actors are great.
So those are my favorite things to do every fall. I try to pack in everything because, like summer, it goes by so fast! What are you favorite things to do in the fall? What about in the outlying areas?Please share!xoxoAndy