My Easter Weekend.

juneauthemountainbunny.jpgHope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend! Ours was go-go-go but so much fun. We spent Saturday night celebrating my mom and dad's 65th birthdays. April is a busy month for my family and birthdays. My dad's was April 20, our oldest nephew's is April 24 and my mom's (Fun Fact: this is also my half-birthday) is April 26. It's going to be another crazy week!My sisters and I have been working for months to plan a surprise birthday party for them. All their friends came to celebrate with us - it was great.I swear I did nothing but eat on Sunday. Brunch with Kyle's parents, dinner with mine. Delicious, but I think I'm still full. Now that that's over I feel like it's time to hit the gym and the road to amp up for summer. So ready!How was your Easter? Share some pics on our Facebook page!xoxoAndy