Will Cd'A ever have it's downtown back?

Yesterday at running group we had the privilege of detouring between Sherman, Lakeside and Front due to all the new downtown construction in front of the Resort and today I got a better look at it while taking Juneau for a walk.downtown_cda_construction.jpgNow, I know what you're thinking, "I thought all this is supposed to be wrapping up soon?" The answer is yes - in May allegedly.In the meantime I guess they feel like they can tear up any part of the city they want and call it part of the McEuen project. Which is fine I guess as long as it's done in time for Ironman.There was an article in the Cd'A Press today about the construction. If you just want to know what it is they're working on a few quick points of interest:

  • The Centennial Trail in front of the Resort is being widened to allow for more foot and bike traffic.
  • The area on Front Ave. between Second and Third will eventually be permanently closed to through traffic to become a pedestrian-only corridor.
  • This particular project has more to do with installing better sidewalks that are wheel-chair friendly than anything else. It will affect more areas downtown than what is currently being worked on.

downtown_cda_construction_2.jpg Is anyone else just ready to see the finished project? I swear, no one is going to want to come back and visit if they think we're constantly under construction. Can't wait till May!