A Family Affair - Family Photo Session


It's funny how things change over time. When I first started blogging way back in 2010 it was solely as a creative outlet. It then morphed into a way I could better share our life with friends and relatives we don't get to see often. Once some people started reading it more, I decided to use Stuck in North Idaho as a way to market my writing, web and social media skills. It was around the time I started reading A Beautiful Mess and delving into the black hole that is Pinterest, that I realized my photography needed to be a lot stronger if I wanted to grow to compete with the big boys.Now, I get more requests for photography than anything else. Go figure.So, when I was approached to do some family photos over the holiday, I was thrilled.You may remember our friends Mike and Hilary (on the far left) as I've mentioned them a few times. Their claim to fame is winning our 2013 Halloween costume contest.Hil's family was in town visiting for the holidays. Her parents came from Arizona and her sister and nephews from Atlanta. It was an opportune time to document this special occasion.Their family is unusually attractive, so I can't take all the credit, but I'm really happy with how the images turned out. The trees around the lake were dusted with snow and the low-flying clouds created a perfect gradient from mountain to sky. Taking photos of so many people at one time was challenging. My theory of "just take a million photos and at least one has to turn out right" definitely came into play. Either someone was blurry, blinking or I did something wrong. Luckily we also got some gems.Thanks again to Hilary and her wonderful family for letting me capture these special family moments.

Contact stuckinnorthidaho@gmail.com to learn more about photo sessions. Because, apparently I do that now.