Life Life Lately - June 2015

As usual, life around here has been incredibly busy. Wake up, work, work out, walk Juneau, water the plants, shower, make dinner, eat, dishes, bed. That's been my life during the week. Nothing overly exciting to report. However, there have been a few extra-curriculars I'm excited to share!The first is that I have two stories printed in a local magazine. More to come on that tomorrow (hopefully!!).The second is that I've gotten some more photography bookings, which is really awesome. All of this extra work has left me quite exhausted, but it also feels really validating and exciting. Two of my shoots are maternity, so I'm really excited to share something new and different with you all.The third is that I've taken up mountain biking. I've gone 4-5 times now and I think I'm really liking it. It's a great work out and it's a different way to interact with nature. Completely different perspective from hiking and running. Two weeks ago, before the heat set in, we got caught in the storm below. By the end we were all soaked head to toe and covered in mud. But it was so worth it. I went with my mom and sister to Farm Chicks out at the Spokane Fairgrounds. It's a total nuthouse but we got some cool stuff and even better ideas for things we can do ourselves.   

These knuckleheads are celebrating birthdays on Sunday. Kyle will be 28 and  Kendrich will be the big 2-0. We will be celebrating with lots of food, friends and apparently a beer pong competition for Kyle's party. Should definitely be interesting ;)

Here are some of my favorite links from the week: This girl is freakin' amazing, a fellow Coug  and lived out a life-long dream by seeing all Seven Wonders of the World in just 13 days. INSANE!I really want to see this play. We went to high school with Cody who plays the leading dude. Go Cody!Get out your tissues right now. This story is just the sweetest and the video is fantastic. I don't wear much eye make-up, but it was all washed away after watching this. Nothing beats the relationship between a dog and their person.And finally, with all the birthdays (still three more after Sunday!) and Father's Day this week, I think treats like this may be necessary.Hope you all have a fun weekend!Cheers,Andy